Those flouting health and safety laws will now be subject to tougher penalties as unlimited magistrates’ fining powers come into force.
The cap on how much the magistrates’ court can fine offenders has been removed. That means unlimited fines for health and safety breaches and now allows magistrates’ to impose higher fines for offences that were committed on or after 12th March 2015.
Magistrates now hold the right to hand down whatever fine penalty they feel fits the severity of the offence. Considering bad building site health and safety has the very real possibility of causing severe injury – or even death – fines have the potential of running into several thousands of pounds. And that’s not all – offenders could also be subject to an imprisonment on top of the fine – for a term of up to six months.
With the CDM 2015 grace period now over, it’s never been more important to ensure your site safety is properly considered and an effective plan implemented.
HBXL have the software to help. Health & Safety Xpert takes care of the paperwork, so you’re safe in the knowledge nothing has been missed! Don’t let regulations get you confused, our software will ensure you are working to the right standards so you don’t have to worry.
Have a look at the product page for more info, watch a video and then book an online demo to see for yourself the many benefits of the software.
For further information from HBXL about Unlimited fines for health and safety breaches please call T: 0117 9167 898 / 0845 1234 065* or email us at
*Please note that all calls to 0845 numbers will cost 2p per minute plus your telephone company’s access charge